How does it work?

It’s very simple. We meet before the shoot to talk about what the dancer wants/needs. Every shoot is customized for the dancer. Then you select a date, we decide on a location (or two, or three). After that we have an amazing shoot, I go home and edit, and then we meet again at a later date, so you can select the images you love the most.

What happens after I select my images?

After you select your images, I send you the digital files and send the files to my printers in New York, who will take the utmost care in producing the highest quality prints just for you. Once I receive them, and assure the print quality, I will hand deliver the images to you.

Do I get the digital files?

Every image you select will be sent to print, and you will get the accompanying digital file. I’m a print maker, so my clients will get physical prints with each digital file.

But what if I want more images than my package provides?

That’s relatively simple as well. You will always have the option to choose more digital files/prints. There will be no hard sales tactics from me to try to sell you more images. That’ll make us both uncomfortable. You select and invest only in what you really want.

What happens if I cannot make my shoot that day?

I understand that things come up, so you have the option to reschedule your shoot. I will need at least two days notice. This is because other dancers may be waitlisted and would love to use that time slot. If we need to reschedule because of weather, we’ll discuss the new date and time and get it on the calendar as soon as we can.

What is your typical turnaround time?

I like to have my image reveal/selection sitting two weeks after the shoot. Often times it happens faster, but I can guarantee no longer than two weeks.